Part of your GW.dat file may have been corrupted. If it repairs it, then it's probably okay, but if it keeps doing it every so often, you may want to download the entire GW.dat file from scratch. You can do this by deleting GW.dat from your Guild Wars directory (typically C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\), then running Guild Wars with the -image switch. Go to your GW shortcut and right-click, then select Properties. In the textbox for Target, append a space then -image. So for example, if the shortcut used to be "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\gw.exe", it should now read, "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\gw.exe" -image. Let your computer run overnight, cause it usually takes awhile to download everything. When it finishes downloading, just go back to your shortcut and remove the -image switch.